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Things Moms Love to do in Austin, Texas - Le Montreaux A Concierge Community Blog

Things Moms Love to do in Austin, Texas

  |     |   Family, Outdoors

With May all about “moms,” we are continuing our list of things to do with your mom this month, and throughout Austin, Texas.
It’s the perfect weather right now for a bike ride, stroll or hike within some of Austin’s most magnificent parks.  Here are some of our top-picks:

Onion Creek 
If your family and friends enjoyed the McKinney Falls Trail, they will like this one too.  It is twice as long (6.5 mile loop) that offers a variety of things to see along the way. Our favorite, the rushing waterfall, as well as the opportunity to ride our bikes if we choose not to walk this popular trail.  In the park, there are over nine miles of pavement, so perhaps you will want to visit the Park earlier in the day.

Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge 
With over eight miles of hiking trails, there is certainly a perfect one to suit your preference.  We found this list on-line that provides the details of the options that await you and yours for a perfect hike this year.

Mount Bonnell
Research will tell you something that may surprise you like it did for our team at Le Montreaux apartments in Austin:  did you know that Mount Bonnell is considered to be the highest point in Austin … at 775 feet?  That is what we read while doing our own research about the best spots to hike with mom and the family in tow in Austin.  
According to our local hiking enthusiasts, this is one of the best spots in the city to soak-up spectacular sights.  One important tip:  this may be a good spot to enjoy a picnic at the top, yet you should be ready to climb 102 stairs to get there – yet it is worth it!
But WAIT, there's more!

Go GeoCashing!
Ever tested your tenacity in the art of GeoCashing? Maybe this year is the year for you and Mom, and the whole family to check it out. First, read about Geocaching in Austin to get up to speed on the very trendy sport.  Then, pack a picnic for Mom and take her on a trek into a whole new world of hiking for a reason and a reward, too!

Happy Trails to all of you, and please give your Mom our best!

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