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The Best Pumpkin Patches in Austin, TX - Le Montreaux A Concierge Community Blog

The Best Pumpkin Patches in Austin, TX

  |     |   Local Events, Things to Do

We just love this time of the year when the temperatures cool off (a bit!) and smells of Pumpkin Lates and Cinnamon Buns swirl through the air of our favorite cafes. It’s time when kids (of all ages) go crazy over costumes and festivals flourish around our apartment community in Austin, Texas
To get you out and about with goblins and ghosts, picking the perfect pumpkin, and sipping seasonal local brews, we have scoured the streets of Austin to find the perfect place to celebrate the fall season in Austin.

Where to Pick a Pumpkin in Austin?
Barton Hill Farms Fall Festival
Just 30 minutes from downtown Austin is one of the best spots to pick out that perfect pumpkin this year.  Head out any weekend in October and through November 6 to their annual Pumpkin Patch and Fall Festival.  This is their 11th annual festival that has been named “the best pumpkin patch” in Central Texas.  With over 30 activities on site, this will soon become a family tradition.  For a break in the action, wander down to the Colorado River and take a family photo under their beautiful Cottonwood trees. 
Be sure to get your tickets ahead of time through this link.

Sweet Eats 
This is another one of our favorite places to go every fall, especially for the pig races and evening campfires.  Sweet Eats loves to offer family fun for all ages, and they do it well.  You can get the details on their website at where you can learn more about when the pigs race (really!), how and where to pick out your pumpkin, and how to secure a campfire site for a festive fall evening.  A pre-reservation is required and all you need to do is show-up. It’s a great group event that comes with seating for 12, S’mores for all, hot dog roasting and pre-lit campfire as well!

Sweet Berry Farm
Scarecrows unite!  Sweet Berry Farm is ready to make more memories come true this year for you and yours by offering a full day of family fun through November 6th.  Go for the hayrides or hang out in the pumpkin patch.  Make your own Scarecrow (supplies on site) or get lost in their maze for an amazing day in Austin!  
How amazing?  Check out what these folks do to create the most innovative maze in Texas!  (read more on their website)
We surveyed the perimeter of the State of Texas into a field.  We then plant "Texas" to a Haygrazer grass that gets up to 10 feet tall (not all of Texas is that tall though).  The result is a 4-acre field that looks exactly like Texas from the air.  Signs representing real places in the actual State of Texas are put into their respective spots in our Texas.  We then cut pathways to and from which all connect creating a labyrinth.   The object of the game is to find all the places in Texas, each marked with said sign and a hole punch to mark your gamecard. 

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